Nowadays everyone is complaining about the decline of the US. How we are in shambles economically, socially and educationally. On the other hand these days we give a prize or trophy to everyone for competing; we tell all kids they are unique and deserving of the world! At the same time we shield them and protected them from anything and reassure them about everything. They don't study, "Oh the test is biased and does not reflect how intelligent is my baby!" We also applaud any monkey, that gets in a stage and sings encouraging them by throwing lots of money for singing stupid stuff. These "artists" are self-centered, drug addicts, histrionic and delusional. Many of these "stars" died and there is such a hoopla about how they died overdosed and people cry and celebrate such poor behavior. Such homage to these "stars" , only encourages our kids to look up at them and behave like them. So at the end a bunch of delicate, self-centered, lazy wusses come out of such a process. Many criticized the Tiger mom but is one of the few that got it right. How come is it, that navy seals are an elite force? When we want the best of the best, again like selecting people for the navy seals, do we give trophies to all of them? Are they taught to care only for themselves or, to not leave any man behind? When they get hurt do they home to mama and cry?
To make matters worse, these days many are complaining about education; some go as far as to say is too much and only creates liberal snobs, like the recent statements made by Rick Santorum. Others say we should get rid of the department of education like Ron Paul. Others lament that we are losing "The Greatest Generation". Has anyone studied history? What makes humanity advance? Is it only education? Is it only the hardiness of someone's Will that Santorum claims great Americans have?
I pose to you that the wussification of Americans is causing our country to be in this sad state of affairs and will eventually bring the US down unless corrected. Why do immigrants come to the US to improve their quality of life? When they come here, do they travel first class and come to suck on the government's tit? Through centuries immigrants from the UK, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Mexico, China, etc, have come to this country and earned their living with sweat and many times blood. That is what has been and formed the foundation of this country; the selection of individuals driven by Will to do better, to be better, to excel. It takes a lot of guts to leave your country, make a trip (many times in extreme perilous conditions), to arrive at the US, be discriminated and underpaid. Still through, and despite all of these events many succeed.
So why then subsequent generations become a bunch of wusses? My opinion is that due to the harsh conditions initial immigrants or others like the greatest generation go through, a compensatory mechanism of protecting their children causes such wussification. They want their kids to be protected, pampered and sheltered from such events. This sheltered life eventually leaves their children without learning the difficulties of life and causes the lack of motivation, skill and Will to perform as well as their parents did. The idolization of "artists" that become so rich with so little work, causes the people's belief that you can take shortcuts to success. There are so many jobs in this country from jobs in the field picking fruit, to jobs in industry requiring knowledge and training that is almost unexplainable how there is such a level of unemployment. If it is not for the lack of Will to either educate themselves or if that is not your forte well get to sweat it with hard jobs like farming. How many cushy jobs would the US have to generate to have everyone employed is impossible. Every one wants to work in a desk making thousands or in factories using gloves and not getting dirty! These factors are part of the cause the outsourcing.
So for this country not to be outsourced, or truly finish in shambles economically, socially and educationally the wussification has to END. I think that is partially what JFK referred to when saying "Ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country", that feeling of peoples complacency is what he tried to shake from the American public. To truly be a strong union we first have to be individually strong or as others have said “A chain is only as strong as its weakest link”. Don't be a WUSS your country needs you!
Monday, March 5, 2012
The Wussification of America
Posted on 1:35 PM by Unknown
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